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Ethical Leadership

Ethical leadership is the cornerstone of a trustworthy and effective government. It involves making decisions that are not only legally compliant but also morally sound and in the best interest of the community. As a candidate for the Michigan State House of Representatives for District 108, I am committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity in all aspects of government.

Principles of Ethical Leadership:

  1. Transparency: Ensuring that government actions are open and accessible to the public. This includes clear communication about policies, decisions, and spending.

  2. Accountability: Holding leaders responsible for their actions and decisions, and ensuring they face consequences when they fail to meet ethical standards.

  3. Integrity: Making decisions based on fairness, honesty, and a commitment to serving the public good, rather than personal or political gain.

Success in Delta County Recall Effort

My commitment to ethical leadership was exemplified through my involvement in the successful recall of three county commissioners in Delta County. This initiative was driven by a collective need for transparency and accountability in local government.

  1. Organizing and Mobilizing: I played a key role in the foundation of The Delta County Citizens for Ethical Leadership, organizing community meetings, and mobilizing volunteers to raise awareness about the issues. This involved extensive outreach, including door-to-door canvassing and social media campaigns, to inform residents about the commissioners' actions that prompted the recall effort.

  2. Gathering Support: We successfully gathered the required signatures to initiate the recall, demonstrating significant community backing. This process highlighted the power of collective action and the community's demand for ethical governance.

  3. Campaign for Ethical Leadership: Throughout the recall process, we emphasized the importance of ethical leadership. We advocated for leaders who would prioritize the community's interests and adhere to the highest standards of integrity.


The successful recall resulted in the election of new commissioners committed to transparency and accountability. This experience reinforced my belief that ethical leadership is essential for effective governance and community trust. 

As your representative, I will fight to defend guardrails on government officials and promote the development of systems that are more responsive to the will of the community, such as ranked choice voting.

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