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Access to affordable, safe, and stable housing is a fundamental right that significantly impacts the well-being of individuals and the health of our communities. As a candidate for the Michigan State House of Representatives for District 108, I am committed to addressing the housing challenges faced by our residents. My housing policies focus on expanding supportive housing services, incentivizing affordable housing development, enhancing rental assistance programs, and advocating for renters' rights.

Expanding Supportive Housing Services

Supportive housing combines affordable housing with services that help individuals live independently and improve their quality of life. These services include job training, mental health support, and substance abuse treatment. By expanding supportive housing services, we can provide comprehensive assistance to those in need, particularly the homeless and those at risk of homelessness. This holistic approach not only provides a stable living environment but also addresses underlying issues that contribute to housing instability.

Incentivizing Affordable Housing Development

To increase the availability of affordable housing units, I propose increasing tax credits and incentives to developers who build in high-need areas. By reducing the financial barriers to constructing affordable housing, we can encourage more developers to invest in these projects. Leveraging public-private partnerships can also amplify our efforts, combining public funding with private investment to create more housing opportunities.

Enhancing Rental Assistance Programs

Rental assistance programs are vital for helping low-income families afford housing. I advocate for expanding state-level rental assistance initiatives to complement existing federal programs. By increasing funding and accessibility to these programs, we can ensure that more families receive the support they need to maintain stable housing and avoid eviction. Additionally, implementing outreach programs to inform people about available rental assistance services is crucial. This includes community workshops, informational campaigns, and collaboration with local organizations to ensure that all eligible residents are aware of and can access these vital resources.

Advocating for Renters' Rights

Protecting renters' rights is essential for maintaining a fair and stable housing market. I support policies that enhance tenant protections, such as implementing just-cause eviction laws and capping unreasonable rent increases. Ensuring that renters have secure and affordable housing options is crucial for their stability and well-being.

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